
Jakob Huber

Jakob is the head of the research group. He is a political philosopher whose current research is located at the intersection of democratic theory, moral psychology (especially hope and trust) as well as the philosophy of history and progress.

Jakob also has a keen interest in Immanuel Kant’s practical philosophy and the post-Kantian tradition. Prior to establishing Democratic Hope, he was a Postdoc with the Centre for Advanced Studies Justitia Amplificata and the Normative Orders Research Centre at Goethe University Frankfurt. Jakob obtained his PhD in 2017 from the London School of Economics and Political Science, having studied Political Science and Political Theory in Berlin, London and Oxford.

For more information, visit

Dr. Jakob Huber | Head of the research group - FU Berlin

Manuela Peitz

Manuela is a doctoral candidate in the research group “Democratic Hope,” where she researches concepts of hope in Hannah Arendt’s political thought with regard to Arendt’s reading of Kant and Marx and her understanding of political action.

Manuela’s research interests are in political theory, especially Marxist traditions and philosophies of praxis, and in memory politics and aesthetics. Before joining “Democratic Hope,” she studied political science, philosophy, and German literature in Heidelberg, Berlin, and Princeton and conducted parts of her studies in Paris and Beirut.

Manuela Peitz

Jonathan Rößler

Jonathan is a doctoral candidate at “Democratic Hope”. In his dissertation, he explores the intellectual history of hope in search of an answer to the question of what it means to hope vis-à-vis the impending climate catastrophe.

Before coming to Berlin, Jonathan studied philosophy and political science at the University of Tuebingen and “Intellectual History and Political Thought“ at the University of Cambridge.

He is interested in the past and present of political theory, especially Marxism and Critical Theory, as well as in the philosophies of nature and history.

Jonathan Roessler

Carla Fischer

Carla is a student assistant in the research group „Democratic Hope“. She is studying general and comparative literature as well as philosophy at Freie Universität Berlin.

Carla Fischer

Loren Goldman

Loren is Associate Professor in Political Science at the University of Pennsylvania.

His research centers on German Idealism, Hegelianism, Western Marxism, and American Pragmatism, with emphasis on questions of time, history, and political agency. In The Principle of Political Hope (Oxford University Press, 2023), he describes hope as an indispensable aspect of much German and American political thought.

Loren is a visiting fellow with Democratic Hope in Fall 2024.

Loren Goldman